Wednesday 24 July 2019


1. IT is a  process in which used to find route between source to destination.
2. it is also used to select best path with the help of roting protocols.
3. In routing there is no need of gateway in same network /same router.
4. Every router maintain there own routing table.
5. Routers build routing tables initially based on their directly connected networks.
  1. there are three types of routing protocols.

  • Static routing protocols .

  • Default routing protocols.

  • Dynamic routing protocols.

                                              what is Routing table?

1.Routing tables are used to send data along specific paths to reach a particular destination.
2.Routers need to exchange routing tables so they can route data to networks that are not directly connected to them.
3. Routers require a Routing Protocol in order to exchange routing tables with their neighboring routers and advertise networks.
4. Static Routes: Manually added to the routing tables by the administrator.
5. Default Routes: Manually added to the routing table by the administrator to define a Default Gateway for the router. If the routing table does not have an entry for a destination network, send the packet to the Default Route.
6.Dynamically Learned through a Routing Protocol.


Static Routes are User-defined, manually created routes. The administrator creates Static Routes in a Cisco Router using the IP Route Command .
1.IN Static Routing administration must be defines every destination address in every router manually.
2. it is a trusted routing protocols.
3.Hard to implement.
4. It is suitable for small network.
Commond in confiquaration mode for static  routing protocols :
1. # ip route.
2. # destination  IP address   subnetmask of destination ip  gateway of starting network.
example:    see in fig.
 now we see example according to fig , i am in R1 place and i want to send a message to R3 network .so lets  give commond according to fig . 
so we have : 1 .  Destination ip =,  and Subnet mask = , Gateway directly connected network will be gateway.)
statix figure
static configuration command
  you can match the fig.

                                         DEFAULT ROUTING PROTOCOLS:-

DEFAULT- ROUTING:-  In  Default routing  destination address is unknown always( .

 >   it is used to forword the package as like multicasting.
>   Default Routes define a router as the default router for your router. When there is no entry for the destination network in a routing table, the router will forward the packet to its default router. Default routes help in reducing the size of your routing table.
>. It is untrusted Routing .
>. It is used to networking in between  for ISP to costumer.
>,The device to which the default route points is often called the default gateway, and it often carries out other functions such as packet filtering, firewalling, or proxy server operations.
>The default route in Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is designated as the zero-address in CIDR notation,[1] often called the quad-zero route.
   Default routing confiquarationis simple as static routing in default configuration is same as static routing but only change is that in destination address we used ip =  and subnet-mask (ip route . as  like ib fig,

 Administrative distance:- The administrative distance(AD) is used to rate the trustworth of routing information received on a router from a neighbor router. If you have more than one route to destination and all route having different routing protocol. The router choose path based on AD value. It is between 0- 255. 0 is the most trusted and 255 is trustless where no traffic will be passed via this network.

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thanks , i will appriciate.